- Herbs and spices
- Dry ingredients
- Vegetables and Preserves
- Condiments, Oils and Sauces
- Meats, Dairy, and Fish
- Tools and accessories
- Anything else

Authentic Polish Ingredients
In Poland like in other traditional food cultures, we use some specific ingredients. Think for example of British marmite – this is something you can find only in Britain. Another more common foodstuff may be slightly different in different countries. You will quickly learn that Polish cottage cheese doesn’t taste like the English one. You can state a similar case for bacon. Polish bacon is different than what you can find in other countries. And of course, each tradition may use various components in a completely different way or combination.
It is important to know which specific ingredients you have to use to get the effect that resembles traditional food. In some cases, a substitution with something similar will completely change the taste of the dish. You can’t for instance make Bigos, using fresh cabbage pickled in vinegar even if it is a decent quality food. You need sauerkraut and that is a must. In this guide, we will focus on such ingredients. There are of course many other items you can replace – flour is a good example. We share with you our 18-year-old experience of adapting Polish cuisine in the UK.
The categories on the list make a logical index of the most interesting products which you can find in a Polish kitchen. We will explain their most important properties and uses especially in connection with the culinary ideas we share with you on these pages as well. Some of the ingredients are widely available from Polish shops or even from Tesco. However, if you decide to get the right stuff quickly you may find our online shop a useful place. Especially when it comes to items specific to Polish cuisine and particularly if you strive for traditional food made the way that has been done for ages.